Thursday, November 1, 2018


Rising above your feelings can sometimes be very challenging, but we have to learn how to overcome our emotions.  By taking control over how we see things, it allows us to look beyond what our emotions are saying to us.  It's not hard to get carried away by the things of this world, or by the way people treat you.  Often times, I find myself being overly concerned about what people think about me. I have come to this conclusion that it really doesn't matter what people say or how they feel about me.  What matters the most is what I feel about myself.  It was a bit difficult learning how to let go of being concerned and trying to please everyone.  But, I  realized that you have to love yourself, and understand that by letting your light shine, you are creating a positive foundation of strength.  

Love covers the multitude of sinful deeds, and living your life based on spiritual principles allows us to be free from so much brokenness.  Changing your mindset to think victoriously instead of being defeated, creates a whole new world.  Realizing that we are hear to experience, to learn and to grow gives us an all together different outlook on our life journey.  When fear and failure comes to greet us, we should welcome them because they play an important role in creating change within us.  They come to alert us for transformation, and we should understand there purpose.  If you want to succeed in life, then one must accept fear and failure. Don't turn away or take backward steps.  When they come, just know that within your situations lies potential grown and keep moving forward.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Being happy is our choice in life's journey.  Of course, there are many things in this life that can challenge our happiness.  But, we must never forget what makes us happy.  Even during the tough times, we have to think about how blessed we are by just being alive.   There are times that we can remember of happy moments.  Dwell on the good times and people that you are blessed to have in your life that make you smile.  Like your family and friends who mean so much to you.  I realized that being happy is my choice to explore, and I decided that I was going to take that leap of happiness no matter what happens.  It's our decision to say to ourselves that we will be happy regardless of the issues.  If we decide to be sad, what will we profit from that?  It takes more energy to be sad than it does to be a happy individual.  Think about what makes you happy and then do those things for yourself.  In every situation, lies a treasure of happiness awaiting to be discovered.  Stop focusing on so much negativity!  It seems like it's easier to stay stuck than to be free.  Because we always focus more on things that tend to bother us than those that will actually left us up.  That's why we need to change our mindset and begin to evolve into the newest of life.  Make a new chapter in life, and make it about you!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Master The Way You Think

"I am the master of my fate, and the captain of my soul"!  William Ernest Hensley wrote this quote.  I didn't understand it at first, but now I do.  This quote has a truth to it.  We are in control of our lives, self value, and the way that we think. The power of the thoughts are what shapes our tomorrow.  It is important that we understand the gift that we have been given and adapt to its performance.  What we think on becomes our reality!  It is our responsibility to guard our thoughts and become aware of what happens when we don't.  It has been scientifically proven that we are the product of what we have been taught the first seven years of our lives.  That becomes the foundation of who we are mainly.  Sometimes that early on environment was not a positive one, but we have to take control of our thoughts now to create a better life for ourselves.  We must realize that the choices we make reflects on what our tomorrow will be  We all have experienced the ups and downs of life. Take those experiences as lessons and grow from them to become your greatest version. Make better choices for a remarkable you!  

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Good Morning Everyone,
This morning I woke up feeling thankful!  Often times, we don't consider the simple things in life.  We tend to just go on with our busy schedules each day without even giving it a thought.  We need to appreciate the things that we sometimes tend to take for granted like waking up in the morning, the sunshine, the rain, the air that we breath each and every day for life, our families safety and so much more...   Let us not forget that we are here to live, experience, learn and to grow.  And, while we are in the process of life journey, let us always remember just how blessed we are to be here.  Always give thanks and show gratitude for all that you and your family have been blessed to have and experience in this lifetime.  Have a great day every day! 🤗

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Hello everyone welcome to my new blog.  💖

I hope that you like it and enjoy my posts full of inspiring words.  I am not new to blogging, but this is my first inspirational blog that I have made.  I want to touch a lot of bases with my readers and share information concerning life journeys.  Understanding that life is full of learning experiences, there is so much that we can learn from one another.  I know that while traveling through life, there are some things that hit home for us and it's not so easy to handle.  In regards to that, inspiring and encouraging words are always needed.  

Lets face the truth, we all have to deal with the stresses of life and sometimes they can be overwhelming to say the least.  It's okay to go through these situations, and if it wasn't okay with us, we still have to deal with it anyway.  So I guess that you can say to yourself, how do I handle life ups and downs without losing my mind?😐  Remember it is your choice on how to deal with issues that may arise, but know that it's only temporary.  Trouble don't last always.   Once you realize that this to shall pass, you will begin to take back control of your emotions.

When we change the way we look at things, the
things we look at change.
Wayne Dyer